Monday, October 22, 2012

The child that once was

Hey everyone! So many of you have absolutely no clue what my previous 2 installments of my comics was in regards to. Do not worry as the third and final installment will reveal everything!

As of late, I have decided to join the ranks of "responsible adults" by getting a job, actually waking up and going to work, and hating every moment of it. I will  allow a moment of silence for all of you to commend me on my bravery to attempt to grow up. *silence* Brilliant! Now that we have acknowledged my courageous endeavors to the front line of the work force, I feel the need to bring to light the true nature of "becoming a responsible adult".

The following is an extract of my diary:

Day 1
Today I join the ranks of the adults with a job and uniform. This is not my first job, so I'm sure I'll do fine. The sun was warm and bright as if to welcome my new routine life. The coworkers are friendly and the customers were reasonable. Day 1 at work was quite standard, wasn't easy but wasn't tough like it was made out to be. Went home and enjoyed doing nothing with my life but games and internet. Ha! So called responsibilities!

Day 9
Today I had to wake up again. The suns hone on my face in an attempt to mock my feelings and mood. Some customer wanted to refund a half finished drink because they didn't like the taste of it. I went home to my then meaningless life to waste away.

Day 197
Got up. Felt like shit. Hated customers. Went home and sat in a corner.

From the extracts, it would appear that the adults have lied to us. The "responsibilities" they speak of is just making sure you have enough money for the next meal, paying your bills and rents on time...etc. Other than that, it is quite easy to simply sit there and cry about how much life you don't have. However, on this seemingly dangerous journey, I have learnt (yes, learnt, and consequently decided to warn my fellow young adults and adolescents) that work is hard. It is not the nature of the job that is difficult (provided you were give n access to the necessary training). Nope, with enough practice, anything can become simple. The greatest difficulty - by far - is getting up every morning, looking at yourself in the mirror and saying "Yes, I will make it through today!" and going to the job that you hate. Smiling at the customers who curse and degrade you because of an error on your company's part. That, is the difficulty. That, makes work hard. It shall be my life long quest to find a job I'll love doing everyday for the rest of my life. But for the meantime, I guess I'll just hate my job like most other "responsible adults" and earn some savings.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Back to Basic

Hey guys, hamsterG here =D This post is actually from my old blog which doesn't exist anymore so you might have read this already.

We’re all living in a life where we rely on mobile phones and just forget about the outside world beyond the technologies we have. I didn't really think about this until I had an encounter with a friend and this is roughly how the conversation went :

Friend: “Hey, what time is it?”
Me: *looks at watch* “It’s 1:43”
Friend: “you wear a watch?”
Me: “yeah…why?”
Friend: “Well you have your phone don’t you?”
Me: o.O

I was a little taken aback and it made me think, are mobile phones our answer to everything? Do people know how to tell the time or calculate basic math without whipping out their phones and having a bright digital pixilated screen telling them?

It makes me wonder, is everything about touch screens and 12 mega pixel cameras and being able to browse the web at 4G speed and...Siri?
What happened to using normal cameras and having that not so perfect picture making it perfect?
What happened to having a decent conversation with friends without having to check your phone every 5 minutes for a WhatsApp or Facebook update?
What happened to just making your own sandwich instead of asking Siri to?

Of course having this little device in our pockets can make our daily life so much easier and more manageable but it doesn't mean we should rely on it for everything we can be capable of.
Instead of playing some soccer game on your phone, go out and play soccer with your friends.
Instead of going on online stores, go out and shop with someone.
Instead of playing Angry Birds, go throw some birds at some pigs (I'm joking, no really don't go and find some birds to throw...that's not nice)

In the end, we just need to put it down and sit back and relax, have a cup of tea and enjoy life beyond a 3.5 inch screen =)

P.S. If you're using your mobile phone to read this, remember to come back (^v^)

Until next time,

Pictures credit to rightful owners