Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rainbows and Unicorns

There all comes a time in our lives where something big hits us and we just lie there on the floor. Sometimes it's a baseball, sometimes it's an avalanche, and sometimes yet, it's not even physical.

Large snowballs are scarey, really.


Whether you like it or not, there are times in your life where you'd be tempted by the sweet scent of depression. That's right! Anyone would be smart enough to avoid dangerous and harmful things if the thing itself was dressed with hazard signs and telling you that it was going to eat your brains.

They probably wont be glowing red either

You see, depression doesn't waltz around with a tag that says "I'm going to make you miserable!". No, it lures you into a comfortable false sense of security with the sweet taste of procrastination. There's nothing miserable with avoiding what you need to do and replacing it with games, internet or shopping. Then, this evil reincarnate throws low ball at you. "Shit," you begin to think. "What the fuck am I doing with my life? I'm just wasting away." But that's OK, you'll continue down this spiral. Slowly but surely, it creeps up on you like a massive blanket and swallows you. At first, you feel invincible, nothing can hurt you, just like Tobey Maguire from Spiderman 3.

Eventually, you may even learn to control the depressive aura to fight crime!

Unfortunately, that doesn't last. You soon realize that if you continue down this path, you'll be a hobo. That furthers your depression and you begin to combat it.

Then you realize that even the one who claimed that he'll always be spiderman couldn't fight against it and eventually got replaced. Finally aware of your impeding doom you have no choice but to continue to procrastinate. Everything around you begins to be seemingly against you. At first, these accusations are some what excusable...

How dare the computer!

...but then they start to become ridiculous...

Not only was it empty, it breaks easily too.

...and downright stupid.

It is only when you start seeing how ridiculous you sound that you try to pick yourself off the floor and force yourself to watch hippies in a feeble attempt to make yourself feel better. It doesn't work. It'll only make you want to shoot yourself.

Even in Diablo3 where you kill demons and zombies, there are unicorns and rainbows to mock me.

Thankfully though, you'll eventually get the wind knocked out of you long enough by depression for your system to reboot. When that happens, you can laugh at its face. Why? Because screw you depression that's why. Unlike Tobey Maguire, I don't do those weird self dancing portrayals in the rain.

I won't be Tobey Maguire


Friday, July 6, 2012

For he's a jolly good fellow

Well, it's been a long while since my last post with colourless images and wobbly stickfigures! So what has Pui been up to within the time between this post and the last? Shopping, sleeping, gaming and competing with the girlfriend's korean idol group.

Perhaps it's just my lack of idol, or perhaps it's just a "girl thing", but when I walk into the room of a 18-21 year old girl, there would be around 3-4 posters of the same band or solo artist (depending on their idol), then there another 3-4 posters of another.

Disclaimer: This is not actually her room and this was just taken from the net
"But Pui," I hear you ask, "how does that have to do with competing with the idol?"
I'm glad you raised that point, or at least I'm glad I formed an imaginary you to raise the point. I will attempt to reenact the scenario that usually goes down when I'm over at the girlfriend's place.

After a time span of what feels like an hour, I can't take it I needed to look over her shoulder.

Pui's narcissistic nature kicked in. How can I be here right next to you, and you would be staring at a guy on the screen?

One day....one day, I too, will look like a idol.


A slice of vanity

Sometime during June was Pui's birthday. Normally I don't do this whole birthday celebrations but for some reason this year everyone really wanted to celebrate it for me.

My students at my workplace decided to bring in a cakes with too many candles because apparently I look like I'm 45.

My close friends decided to surprise me with pink wrapping paper and 2 really girly yet beautiful cards with delicate details.

So a shout out to every single one of you who deliberately went out of their way just to make an event I usually go out of my way to avoid, into something I will cherish dearly. Although...I'm still almost certain that the reason you guys want me to actually hold something is so you guys can finally pull out all that dirt on me.

This isn't everyone but...it's the newest group photo we have :)


PS. How does one reign superior over their partner's idol?