Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Exam. Period.

Hey guys, it's June! Which means it's EXAM PERIOD. Get excited! For us college students, it means sleeping in. When exam period began, I began to wake up at 12pm feeling rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world. Unfortunately for me, I had become atoned to this wake time for a couple of weeks. So by and by comes the night before my examination.

Eventually, Pui did dozed off into a dark dreamless sleep.

The Awakening

Now, I'm sure most of you would understand the pain of having to wake up early in the morning, but that morning was horrendous. Soundly asleep, on came the vibration. Then the high pitched notes. I opened my eyes.

You gotta be kidding me.

What the distance and scene was like in reality.

What it felt like in my head.

 Intelligently, I had put my phone on the other side of the room so that I would have to get up to turn off the alarm. Unfortunately for Pui, it was a mere 2 degrees Celsius that morning. Accompanied by approximately 4-5 hours of sleep and this is what happens to Pui.


This struggle persisted for a good 5 minutes but eventually the alarm was turned off and sanity was restored. Briefly.

I animated it so you can watch me struggle over and over.

The Search

After undergoing his morning rituals, Pui was finally awake enough to hopefully drive for 40 minutes and not die. Double checked his notes, water bottle, pencil case, warm clothing. Pui was ready to take on the world.
Walking to my car feeling like a boss

But wait..where are my car keys...

I fumbled all around my pockets.

MY CAR KEYS?!?!?!?!

I decided I must've left it in my room. So I rushed back.

It was probably only this messy but in my half drunken state of mind this is what it looked like.

I made a bigger mess of my room.

Incase you cant tell I set fire to my clothes on the left. I should really colour my pictures in :(

Flipped the my desk downstairs upside down.

But the key still eluded me. At this point, 20 minutes had passed. I deliberately woke up early so I could go to my examination venue, enjoy a cup of coffee and munch on a toastie. Instead I am stuck with a headache looking for my magical disappearing car keys.

Eventually I gave up and went to find the spare keys...which also took 10 minutes to find. It's almost like the God of keys were playing a cruel joke on me.

And then HE said, let the car keys disappear!

In the end, all went well as Pui drove through a fog so thick he thought he had woken up in a mix between a horrible Twilight film and a Stephen King movie.

There was no snow, but it was this foggy :(

At least Pui still got to his exam with enough time to grab a mother to replace his coffee and toastie.


nb: I still haven't found my car keys.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just a moment...

Amidst the busy examination period and assignment period of college/university life, I find it necessary that I had purchased a tablet earlier this year. Allowing me high resolution stick figures!

It's kind of like homemade cupcakes, not as exciting but it's homemade.

Unfortunately, I haven't really had enough time to play with it so my ability to draw on it is quite limited...heck even my ability to write properly is limited!

Anyhow, the other day I went to McDonalds to grab a bite.

Hand-drawn goodness.

I looked at the menu like most people do.

Resolution so high everything becomes wavy!

Then it hit me. Why do I do that? Surely everyone has been here enough times to know generally what McDonalds sell right? Perhaps it's me feeling like a grouch for eating maccas enough times to know what I want to order before setting foot in front of the counter. Perhaps tilting my head looking up at the menu creates the illusion that I do not constantly spend money on fast food chains. So I just kept staring blankly at the menu pretending to read it.

When suddenly...

At least you can now read my messy handwriting

 How dare he? The boy behind the counter accused me of stalling for time! Although rightfully so, I felt this was unacceptable. Does he not understand the embarrassment of attending a store so often that you can pick what you want to eat before you examine the menu?

But really, sometimes I look at the menu anyway even if I know what I want in a proper restaurant. What about you?
