Firstly, I would like to assure those who actually do read and enjoy my previous posts, that I will continue blogging next year and this is not a concluding post. I apologize as I have been extremely lazy the past month or so, and have been spending my time gaming rather than replying important emails, catching up with individual good friends, replying blog posts and writing new blog posts.
Having that gotten out of the way, I am now sitting in 40 degree Celsius weather, reflecting on my year. There are a tonne of things worth mentioning, and this humble post cannot contain the wondrous events of a college student; hence, I shall only focus on a few.
1. Christmas
Christmas had passed by...and I have yet to make a Christmas post, I shall have to reserve this section for the New Year post after today.
2. Choice of Fashion
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Me in a "casual" sweater |
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A Jacket I got from my dear beloved. |
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Smart Casual? More casual than smart. |
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Yep, smart casual wear definitely suits me the best. |
<On this note, I would like to mention that I had a haircut a couple of weeks ago...not one I particularly liked. Also a couple of close friends are also bugging me to change my hair style, any suggestions?>
3. Resolutions
Generally speaking, I do not indulge myself in anything in regards to for relationships. However, I believe it's time to get off my lazy ass and get fit. I have decided to make this my resolution for next year. Because I have failed this mission this year. I would post a picture of half-naked me up, but I'll save my favourite readers from experiencing nightmares.
My other and less significant resolution would be to achieve straight HD's throughout the entire of next year in college. But that's not significant.
I would like to let everyone know that I will be going away for the New Year period for a little get away trip with my family and close family friends, thus, there will definitely be new posts. For now, Happy New Years Eve everybody!