Sunday, November 28, 2010


If you have noticed, I have skipped blogs...I'll do my best to refrain from doing that in the future. Here is a great explanation as to why this incident occurred: overwhelmed by work shifts, gatherings, sickness, errands, homework correction, and plain dissatisfaction of life...unfortunately, is what has been on my back the entire week. However, the biggest culprit of them all is the complete lack of motivation and ideas for an entertaining post.

To keep up the regulation of new post ideas, I have been taking pictures of things of interest, and have done things I usually would not have.

First thing I tried to do was introduce a plushie (bought from Hong Kong Disneyland) into my car of almost 3 weeks old.

Despite being absolutely adorable, this did not give me further incentive to create an entire story around it.

And so life trudged on...

Upon pondering and pondering and many more hours of this useless pondering, I have decided to dedicate this post to my close group of friends.

Life contains 3 groups important people in your life:
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. Mentors

Unarguably the group of people that would impact you the most throughout your entire lifetime. Born into a family, good or bad, would ultimately affect your entire life. Your future family, after settling down with a partner, would once again mature you, enlightening you with new perspectives as a husband/wife or parent or being an in-law.

Leaders in your life, can be both friend and/or family or neither. This group of people will guide you in society within your profession or workplace. They are of utmost importance in assisting to shape the entire community and country.

The 2 groups above, are important, and both provide great impact on your life, but the group I want to focus on are friends.

Assuming one had grown up in an average healthy household, with an average loving family, their friends (or lack of it) would be the greatest determining factor of their persona and how they react towards different situations; placing friendship above the importance of mentors and right under the importance of family.

Throughout one's life time friends and acquaintances come and go as they mature and grow up, refining their interests and beliefs. Friends join together when common ground is found, and take their leave as beliefs are drawn further apart. I firmly believe that as we grow older, we would have less and less friends. Not because we become hated, not because they die off due to illness and old age, but because these friends would be the true and loyal to your relationship with them.They share common ground and common beliefs, but most of all, they would have become a secondary family.

I adore this extra family of mine from university. Despite appearing mindless, blond, and saying absolutely the most retarded things and asking the dumbest questions, when working together are extremely efficient. Having our studies as our common ground, and absolutely contrasting beliefs, I found it hard to believe that we can have so much fun together.

Then it occurred to me. Our common ground lies further than just our interest for studies, our south-east asian heritage; our trust in one another is our common ground. A particular one of them goes so far as to trusting me to disappoint him, and I assure you, his trust was not misplaced. Common beliefs was not non-existent, belief was always there between us, the belief that everyone is as transparent as they make themselves to appear to be.

So I thank this special group of family I have. For unknowingly brightening my week, just for being themselves.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sick :(

There's going to be a clear deviation from usual content today, and I sincerely apologise, but Pui is currently extremely sick. A mixture of G.A.S. building to a cold/flu and continued after exams, mixed with newly added hayfever is not the best mixture one can have...I actually feel like I'm dying.

So I have decided to discuss the statement "what goes up must go down".

1. Newton's Laws
For all you who have successfully passed year 10 science, and actually remember. Newton's first law was of gravity. Upon having an apple fall on his head, that scientist suddenly decided it was the right time to "discover" gravity and coin the term which everyone was already familiar with.

Here's a little animation depicting the occurrence. [Click to see animation]

For some reason, it feels like it was all Newton's fault. If that guy didn't "discover" this gravity perhaps we'd be able to float around already, perhaps what ever rises up "doesn't" have to eventually come back down. Good one Newton, you just ruined everyone's childhood dreams of free flying.

Everyone's childhood dream is to fly.

Pui's Tip: To defy Newton's Law of gravity, propel an object as high as possible, such as a space shuttle attached to a rocket. Once you've deviated from the Earth's gravitational pull, you're in a zero gravity zone: there are no ups nor downs.

2. Holiday Parable
Few have used this example to argue. Imagine you're house is at the bottom of a big mountain, one day you decided it'd be great to go on a hike and climb to the top of the mountain. After doing so, and enjoying the scenery around you, you would have to eventually pack up and return home to the bottom of the mountain.

Good luck.
 A very realistic example...however, for everyone who believes in heaven and hell, you were just told you're house is permanently situated in hell and you can occasionally climb up to heaven for a nice relaxing holiday before having to be cast back into the depths of hell where you shall forever reside. Good luck on your path to heaven.

Oh the agony!

Pui's Tip: When you go on holidays, sell your house and take everything you need, you're going to build a house on that mountain, just to defy this realistic example. Show them the realistic idea of loving the scenery so much that one would permanently live in that environment.

3. Yin-Yan Theory of Balance
Some people believe in "balance" of the universe. Where there is good, there must be evil. Where there is sound, there must be silence. Where there is heaven, there must be hell. Balance is essential for everything to function properly in this universe. So whatever goes up must come down.


A very logical explanation, until you have a look at this from a different view. Orange, is the complete opposite of blue. It's all very good when the symbol of balance is composed of black and white..but when you think about it again it feels silly. Where there is blue there must be orange? Where is the logic in that? Some people are colour blind you know!

Mudkips: alive to defy all logic. I heard you like them.

Pui's Tip: If there is man, there must be woman. Draw attention to hermaphrodites and transsexuals, chances are they'll be too disgusted to continue the conversation. If they bring up the fact that there's a black circle within the white part of the symbol, pretend to become emotional and talk about how Pluto was once a planet and have now been degraded into the moon if not just a lump of stray meteorite. Where is the justice? Where is the balance now?

So to all of you who live in constant fear that when you feel happy, you're going to feel sad soon...

I was going to draw unicorns but I got tired.

That only really happens when you're on Magic Mushrooms.

So readers, can you add to my list? Or perhaps you disagree, heck I'm just dizzy right now from medication x].


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lazy Days

Although I have been using beautifully drawn long comics to describe my average life, I have decided to use photographs for this post. I believe this post rightfully deserves the photographs.

I believe that it is safe to assume that the majority of you have finished exams by now and of course, to de-stress after all those stressful days: after exam party! ...Or outings... I have chosen the latter. After all, what better way is it for people to bond and relax than through the mutual love for a good meal?

A Representation of One's Stress-Free Day

So to depict a typical "after exams stress free day", I have personally volunteered to reenact the entire process. And offered tips to avoid during days like these.

So like any other holiday, one would sleep in until the time for the miraculous "brunch", and that I followed suit, and woke up at 10:30. Did my toiletries, and felt pretty bright about myself...and felt pretty hungry. I halted and then contemplated my next actions, trying to depict as accurately as possible: the typical brunch of a college kid. Toast, was decided as the perfect median, and I think we all agree, that a typical Asian college student living in a Western country would have eaten this on a regular day of brunch.

However, I made a fatal tactical error. I had decided to make toast without the modern technological aid of a toaster. As someone who does not eat breakfast or brunch on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis, the following picture is what would happen if you leave a piece of bread in the grill for too long.

Hmmm burnt toast

Not cool. So this time I decided to babysit the grill so I can add the cheese on it to achieve my delicious brunch.

Perfect crispy golden brown toast with cheese

And it was successful.

Tip 1: Do not ever try to make toast without the aid of a toaster, and then forget about it in the grill for 10 minutes.


That same evening, there was a dinner event to celebrate the finishing of exams and a feeble attempt to destroy the trauma of the exams. We had chosen a HK style restaurant and ordered our respective dishes, a mixture of chinese, japanese, HK-style, malaysian, and italian cuisine.

My Dish. HK style

Chinese style omulet on rice.

I'm not actually sure which style this is, but if you look hard enough, there's a massive piece of chicken hidden there.

Unfortunately I only took a few photos to represent what was being devoured mercilessly at the dinner table that eventful evening. Fascinated by my dish (first picture), I had decided it was the most visually appealing dish out of everything that everyone ordered. However, with ever ups there must be downs, my precious friend decided to ruin my joy by telling me it looked like spew. Thank you, oh dear friend, but I've never spewed out spaghetti before in my entire short lived 19 years.

Tip 2: When one remains fascinated about the visual appearance of one's food, their friend would most likely ruin one's appetite out of sheer jealousy.


Proceeding dinner conversations, dessert was up at Pancake Parlour.

This delicacy costs $27.90 AUD

We told by the waitress that the 8 of us were very "involved" in devouring this delicacy.

I wonder why...

Tip 3: When sharing food, please do it in a civilized manner to prevent gazes of disgust and wonder from other tables.


If you have sincerely felt that this was a complete waste of your time. I apologise, but I, too, felt like my entire day was wasted, not to mention that I most definitely gained a few pounds.

So readers, what do you do when you finished exams and what kind of food do you like to indulge yourself in to relief the stress?


ps. I'm trying to see how many different kinds of clothing that I can wear and not look disgusting.What do you think of this?

Me in a singlet...I don't think I'm buff enough

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Very Sad Day

During the exam period, for me I might include (as I'm sure most of you are still in this exam phase), I had no vehicle to use and had to get a good friend to pick me up and drop me off as we studied the same course. After a long day of studying at the anatomy lab at university, we decided to reward ourselves with a popular Asian drink: Bubble Tea. It's pretty much ice milk tea with 'pearls' (actually large black sago) but due to pop culture, many other variations have arose, such as flavouring of the milk tea, added jelly, pudding, fruit bits. For the sake of ease, the place we went to was known as Happy Cup

This picture was actually taken  by my girl to draw attention to the place known as "ONG ONG"

It did not look promising at all. Disregarding the many non 'bubble tea' related icons such as an obvious 'chuppa chup' hand bag and clothing in the background, they had also included a nonexistant place as a place of origin for 'bubble tea'. "ONG ONG" certainly does not ring a bell. Macau, yes, Taipei, yes. Ong Ong? After further contemplation I had realised this was meant to read "HONG KONG". Are you actually trying to destroy my place of birth and origin, my culture and my heritage?

After much expressed anger towards each other, my friend and I finally entered the shop to place our order.

Know the feeling when you are overwhelmed by your complete ignorance to the menu of a store you've never been into? Because the owners restaurants can't just simply write "Steak with seasonal beans with gravy"? They have to dress it up in fancy foreign languages until you have trouble identifying the actual dish. My attempted example is as of follows: "Thick juicy slice of calf leg sizzled baked fried then grilled with a hint of carbonet sauvingon, olive oil peanut oil and a dash of vegetable oil, cooked til al dante accompanied with seasonal salad, mashed potatoes and topped with chef's special gravy prepared with the finest ingredients". Can you even cook meet to be al dante? Is that not a term used to describe pasta? I'll save that for another post.

Back to the story, having been awestruck for several minutes, we finally decided to place our order: a 'sumo' and milk tea with 'love fruit'. We decided to pick them out of our curiosity, but we both secretly know it's an attempt to mix in well with pop culture. Bad choice. Sumo turned out to be green tea flavoured milk tea (so that's like double tea?) with red bean in it; love fruit turned out to be multi-coloured jelly. Ha. Pop culture.

Feeling rather dissatisfied, we went back into the car and began our trip home. At about half way (due to multiple distractions such as driving in circles as a result of our arguments about directions), my friend (who was driving at the time)  had finished her milk tea but still had her 'love fruit' stuck at the bottom.

Friend: I can't get my jelly out.
Me: Try move the straw over it.

At this point I laughed at my friend, and said that her sad days are of such simple worries; then proceeded to  raised awareness to problems in the third world countries like a good mature university student. But secretly I agree with her: The day your love fruit fails to love you is a very very sad day indeed.

Fellow readers, do you submit to pop culture? How sad are your very sad days?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Life, Your Thoughts.

If you had been a previous follower of my blog, you would've realised the title of my blog has been changed from "A drop of Serenity" to "My Life, Your Thoughts." Why? I believe it's a much more fitting name. As I started this blog out, I decided to post about topics of interest irrelevant of my life. It's been a few months and I have realised that this is a fatal mistake. One's life is of utmost importance for experience, so of course that's where interesting ramblings would come from!

Sneak peak of my current progressing project.

Hello dear readers! Exam tycoon is over for me, so I have the time to proceed with regular updates once again. Firstly I like to apologise to my fellow readers, if you have been anticipating a blog from me...if not...well I guess I better make a notable come back!

And...evidently...I can't think of a come back post. :( So I will proceed with regular ramblings about my life.

Social Interactions

With the arrival of holidays for a handful of you and for the rest of you, looming around the corner of your last exam, social interaction is an inevitable. Beaches, snow trips, road trips, holiday houses, traveling, picnics, theme parks, movies, just about anything that  one can do for entertainment with more than one person can be included to this seemingly never ending list.

But what if you're lazy? Or perhaps you don't want your friends to know just how pathetic at sports you are. Or maybe your fear of heights. Possibly even that fat belly that would hang out when you're in your swimsuit, if not your friends persistent demand for horror movies.

As requested by a couple of readers, better quality images :)

I have devised a list of excuses that are very much viable depending on the situation:
  • I need to clean my house, it's in a mess right now! And today's the only day I can do it...
  • I'm waiting for an important parcel from a Pen-pal half way across the world, I promised I'd call them as SOON as I received the parcel.
  • I've been pulling all nighters, I think I need to catch up on sleep before I collapse
  • I'm working hard to lose weight before I can go anywhere half naked.
  • I need to fix my computer, it broke down.
  • Oh, relatives are coming from overseas.
  • I got work that day!
  • I'm so obscenely fat that you will be repulsed away and it would've ruined your day at the beach.

My pictures...fight back at my requests...they're asking for a pay rise

    As you can see, this list comprises of mainly things that will generate disappointment and beaches. I am desperately trying to avoid the beach due to my massive belly that is well hidden behind my choice of clothes. Unfortunately, "being fat" doesn't get me out of those social interactions, so I have a "Pui's Special List" this up coming summer:
    • I'm trying to keep fit to attempt to hit into the modelling career.
    • I'm training my breathing techniques so I can actually sing without blowing your brain away.
    • I'm actually really sensitive to sunlight.
    • Jaejoong Kim doesn't do beaches, as his fan, I should not either.
    • I'm too busy trying to start my career as an Asian Popstar.
    • Yes I'm trying to be a star.
    • I'm not a whale (reference only understood by fellow Australians who have watched the ABC comedy "Beached Az", I sincerely apologise for the in-joke)

      Hm...actually, those list of things don't sound so bad if it didn't require any effort...

      Fellow readers, do you like to slip your way out of social interactions like I do? How do you do it? Is it effective? Please add to my list!! On a side note, what kind of car do you want to drive within the next few years (please be realistic)?


      PS. I really am trying to become an Asian Popstar.