Nothing much to say, well lots of stuff to say BUT NO TIME =[
Will catch up with you guys after exams, so for the time being try like ramming your head against your monitor :)
Do it enough times and something good will happen ^__________^
\\edit: i'll actually add in a pic i drew in 10 minutes because i didn want to study
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sheer Stupidity
First off, thanks to all my readers for your encouragement, and your enjoyment of my silly blogs will continue to inspire me. Second of all, I have decided to reschedule my "Conversations Behind the Wheel" post to a later date.
Why? Well, sometime during the past few months, I was on a random high, and so I've dug up an archived story written during that period of time. As such, I have decided we shall all journey into the mind of your average college student and the insight into his creativity during times of altered states of consciousness... (WARNING: during the story, I was telling it through an MSN conversation, meaning there was an original audience who made some requests, so I shall narrate using square brackets [like this]. IQ will most definitely decrease after this post, proceed at own risk)
Why/How the Donkey Ate the Frog
As fore mentioned, this story definitely decreased my IQ the as I typed it out on my blog, however, stupid as it is, I believe it provides a correct insight on exactly what would go through a drunk college student's mind. I, however, was most definitely not under the influence of alcohol...or drugs, just sugar.
Why? Well, sometime during the past few months, I was on a random high, and so I've dug up an archived story written during that period of time. As such, I have decided we shall all journey into the mind of your average college student and the insight into his creativity during times of altered states of consciousness... (WARNING: during the story, I was telling it through an MSN conversation, meaning there was an original audience who made some requests, so I shall narrate using square brackets [like this]. IQ will most definitely decrease after this post, proceed at own risk)
Why/How the Donkey Ate the Frog
Once upon a time, in a very colourless world, there was a donkey. His name was...KEY! Now, Key was a VERY GOOD DONKEY...VERY GOOD DONKEY AND HE HAD 2 EYES!! AND 4 LEGS!! But no ears, on second thoughts...NO HE HAS NO EARS...but let's say he has 5.
He was a pretty awesome donkey, this Key, as you all can see. Why? 'Cuz he looked like he had spikey hair! BUT IT WAS BECAUSE HIS EARS GREW OUT FROM HIS EYES!!
That also meant that he had no eye he couldn't close his eyes. He just had to keep staring...and staring...and staring.
But then...THEN....ONE DAY...
THE FROG LOOKED LIKE HE HAD ELEPHANTIASIS ON HIS FEET! Now now, that would just be silly because frogs aren't elephants, so for the sake of this story, THE FROG HAD FROGGY-O-TITUS ON HIS FEET!
Key was...SHOCKED! He had never seen FROGGY-O-TITUS before, and definitely not a chilled and coloured frog! COLOURED! AND FROGGY-O-TITUS! This was surely interesting!
Then FROGGY-O-TITUS saw Key.
He was NOT happy. "What ya look'n at" He said in a heavy American accent. It could have been Irish...after all, Key had no idea about accents. For all he knew, the frog was Chinese...THEN HE HAD AN IDEA.
HE WOULD SING THE ELMO SONG! [This was requested by an audience prior to the story]
[I didn't and still don't know the lyrics, but by this point my audience was ignoring me on figures...but following that, I displayed the drawings below.]
FROGGY! =D Key didn't know the lyrics to it after long contemplation and froggy was getting impatient. SO KEY HAD A BETTER IDEA!
And so, he ate the frog.
As fore mentioned, this story definitely decreased my IQ the as I typed it out on my blog, however, stupid as it is, I believe it provides a correct insight on exactly what would go through a drunk college student's mind. I, however, was most definitely not under the influence of alcohol...or drugs, just sugar.
So fellow readers, if your brain has not yet turned into mush, how does alcohol affect you? Or what happens when you go on a high? I hope the donkey doesn't eat a frog when you are high!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Horribly Wrong
General disappointment in the lack of readers, or rather commentators on my blog. I think I should change the font size and layout a bit, perhaps that will draw more attention to it.
Onwards to today's topic of interest: An Interesting Topic. No jokes, I wrote it, it's interesting =]
Went on a double date couple of days ago with said girlfriend and couple of interest (note the times I use the word interest and it's variations in this post and or words that have the same meaning). The outline for the date was predetermined, interestingly enough, since I don't usually plan stuff and just jump right into it for the nice spontaneous feel. We were to meet up at the peculiar time 11am to eat brunch go down to Chadstone Shopping Centre (the 'fashion capitol' of the state according to their egotistic advertisements), and shop til 4pm.
This plan sounded too detailed to my liking, it was not going to go well. Woke up, got dressed and drove to pick up said girlfriend at designated 10am. "MY HAIR! MY HAIR! IT'S KIND OF MESSY!" Calls of distress from the other side of the phone did not pipe my interest. So in the car I stayed for 15 minutes. Unwise decision. The mistress came out with a look of irritation and disgust and sat unwillingly into the passenger seat. She then proceeded to play the game called "Who can make the Least Amount of Comments During this Awkward Transport Ride".
Eventually, since I was so good at the game she gave way and exploded like a volcanic eruption.
Her eye brows turned thick and manly and all her hair flew out. "MY HAIR WAS MESSY WHY DIDN'T YOU COME IN AND HELP ME STRAIGHTEN IT...." at this point, being your average college student, and let's be more specific here...average male college student, I didn't want to disappoint accused stereotypes, so I tuned out. It worked until 5 minutes later I heard the words "LAB CLASS". I stopped a turned towards her.
This was a pretty scary concept for me so I tuned in and learnt that lab was still running that week, I had already missed mine and she would miss hers and it would cost us 4%. I calmed down and reassessed my situation, interestingly enough, that 4% was worthless to me, and she didn't need it either.
I got to our designation and tried to talk her out of going to class that afternoon. Success followed. We met up with couple of interest, successful 'brunch' followed. In fact, the rest of the afternoon was boringly successful. Not blog worthy, so I shall use photographs to convey the remainder of the story.
In the end, we decided that sitting down and drinking was definitely better than shopping, and so we did.
Onwards to today's topic of interest: An Interesting Topic. No jokes, I wrote it, it's interesting =]
Went on a double date couple of days ago with said girlfriend and couple of interest (note the times I use the word interest and it's variations in this post and or words that have the same meaning). The outline for the date was predetermined, interestingly enough, since I don't usually plan stuff and just jump right into it for the nice spontaneous feel. We were to meet up at the peculiar time 11am to eat brunch go down to Chadstone Shopping Centre (the 'fashion capitol' of the state according to their egotistic advertisements), and shop til 4pm.
This plan sounded too detailed to my liking, it was not going to go well. Woke up, got dressed and drove to pick up said girlfriend at designated 10am. "MY HAIR! MY HAIR! IT'S KIND OF MESSY!" Calls of distress from the other side of the phone did not pipe my interest. So in the car I stayed for 15 minutes. Unwise decision. The mistress came out with a look of irritation and disgust and sat unwillingly into the passenger seat. She then proceeded to play the game called "Who can make the Least Amount of Comments During this Awkward Transport Ride".
Eventually, since I was so good at the game she gave way and exploded like a volcanic eruption.
Her eye brows turned thick and manly and all her hair flew out. "MY HAIR WAS MESSY WHY DIDN'T YOU COME IN AND HELP ME STRAIGHTEN IT...." at this point, being your average college student, and let's be more specific here...average male college student, I didn't want to disappoint accused stereotypes, so I tuned out. It worked until 5 minutes later I heard the words "LAB CLASS". I stopped a turned towards her.
This was a pretty scary concept for me so I tuned in and learnt that lab was still running that week, I had already missed mine and she would miss hers and it would cost us 4%. I calmed down and reassessed my situation, interestingly enough, that 4% was worthless to me, and she didn't need it either.
I got to our designation and tried to talk her out of going to class that afternoon. Success followed. We met up with couple of interest, successful 'brunch' followed. In fact, the rest of the afternoon was boringly successful. Not blog worthy, so I shall use photographs to convey the remainder of the story.
In the end, we decided that sitting down and drinking was definitely better than shopping, and so we did.
So readers, I'm going to leave you with a thought, the moral of the story is, when you're driving, listen to what your partner has to say, it might not mean anything, but do it anyway. What are the most interesting conversations you've had in a car? Ponder on that thought, because my next post? Incidents that occur within my personal vehicle...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The storm before the calm before the bigger storm
And so the crazy couple of weeks of university life has finally subsided and is entering a calm. This is a heavenly peace for college students, no assignments, laboratories, tutorial, workshop or lectures. Ceasing this opportunity, I have decided to attempt to make up for my lack of posts the past week. I have just too many specific events to fill up one blog post, and I am tired of writing essays (as you will read of) and have decided to take a light approach hold your hands and take you through the past week of your average college student.
I was casually walking into university and everything seemed normal.
Something, however felt very wrong.
I couldn't tell what it was. Perhaps it was just me needing to blog that day, and I had yet to think up a topic to enlighten my readers with. Perhaps it was the fact that exams are hovering around the corner...or perhaps...then I saw my girlfriend and her laptop in front of her. I knew this wasn't a good sign.
Turns out that it wasn't a good sign. Turns out she was doing her assignment because she had 2 assignments due on the same day the following week. Turns out one of them were the same assignment that I had. Turns out that I had another assignment due 2 days earlier than the other assignment. Turns out that I haven't started either. Turns out that I have no references either. Turns out that I only have 4 days for one and 6 days for the other assignment, BUT I HAVE WORK FOR ONE DAY IN BETWEEN MEANING ONLY 3 DAYS AND 5 DAYS!!!
With so much "turns out", I freaked out.
Four thousand words to write about, on two things I have no idea what they were on. And so I turned into Super Hero mode and typed furiously on my laptop computer for the next 6 days.
Today was my 6th day, my mission was accomplished, and I can taste success. The calm has finally came after the storm, but...exams would whip up a global devastation, and I would need to build up a barricade with my studies (proudly accomplished via the use of Pui's Study Guide). So to start it off, I will blog this blog, and show you my new jacket:

Girlfriend's present to me for being so awesome
Fellow readers, under the assumption that the majority of you are are you coping with your assignments and exams?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tuck Your Shirt In!
Yesterday, I was dwelling on the topic: What should I blog about? A very difficult question. Nothing interesting or of note has been happening, or rather, nothing unique. (I apologise Melody, because I did enjoy your birthday gathering!) Most of you bloggers out there would like to blog about your daily life, treat this as an online diary where people can give you feedback about how absolutely interesting your average day had been; some use blogs as a stepping stone into something more being an author, or a journalist. Likewise I have my personal reasons for starting this blog, one of the reasons: entertainment. Why would you sit in front of your LCD screen reading for 5-10 minutes at an absolutely boring blog?
You won't.
And you shouldn't.
So I sat there thinking...and thinking...nothing unique came into mind. Until today, after eating dinner, I had an idea. A light bulb actually glowed above my head...except instead of making a "ding" sound, it made this weird electric/static noise...I should really check the light bulb in my room. Everyone is blogging about how sad it is now that holidays have ended, I shall post about why, we should rejoice.
Despite living in my room day in day out, today, I had an exceptionally good hard look at my study desk. Something just did not look right.
I couldn't figure it out... but something about that desk just makes me not want to do any studies. Perhaps this is also what kept me at bay during my week long break. Nevertheless, I decided I shall put my mind to it, and write some comes my dilemma, I turn to my left.
Hm...I was pretty sure I had exercise books in the bottom slot...but I don't really want to go anywhere near there to look for it. So I turn more to my left.
No way my notes can be stored in there! That's my wardrobe! But hey that's actually quite clean for once... that's where my notes are. I stood there looking at the pile of junk. Then, heavens know why, I decided to survey my room again. My room looks like a dumpster. How can I live on a daily basis in this dump? Some actions must be taken. I suddenly remembered the last time this happened, I moved a lot of the junk from my table to my brother's room and set it up on his table, which he doesn't use, thankfully. So out I went, setting out to take a look at how much free space there is left.
Much to my horror he had placed Gundam models on his desk. All that beautiful space to put my junk...he used dare he! This is not good, not good at all. I left his room and tried to formulate a plan. That's when I noticed it. My house is in quite a mess. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to find somewhere neat and tidy. Like when I first set up my room, or when I first set up my table downstairs where my desktop lives. At last I found it, one particular segment of a display shelf. Thank you Snoopy, you give me hope that my room and work space, can one day look like that, all neat and tidy...
So, I hope that we can all learn to thank the end of holidays, as it serves as a reminder for us, that we still need to clean our rooms, workspace, and house. But most of all, we should be thankful for the closing of the holidays, as it bears the sign that the next set of longer lasting holidays is coming.
Fellow readers, how do you react when you notice that your room is starting to look like a complete mess? How do you deal with it?
You won't.
And you shouldn't.
So I sat there thinking...and thinking...nothing unique came into mind. Until today, after eating dinner, I had an idea. A light bulb actually glowed above my head...except instead of making a "ding" sound, it made this weird electric/static noise...I should really check the light bulb in my room. Everyone is blogging about how sad it is now that holidays have ended, I shall post about why, we should rejoice.
Despite living in my room day in day out, today, I had an exceptionally good hard look at my study desk. Something just did not look right.
I couldn't figure it out... but something about that desk just makes me not want to do any studies. Perhaps this is also what kept me at bay during my week long break. Nevertheless, I decided I shall put my mind to it, and write some comes my dilemma, I turn to my left.
Hm...I was pretty sure I had exercise books in the bottom slot...but I don't really want to go anywhere near there to look for it. So I turn more to my left.
No way my notes can be stored in there! That's my wardrobe! But hey that's actually quite clean for once... that's where my notes are. I stood there looking at the pile of junk. Then, heavens know why, I decided to survey my room again. My room looks like a dumpster. How can I live on a daily basis in this dump? Some actions must be taken. I suddenly remembered the last time this happened, I moved a lot of the junk from my table to my brother's room and set it up on his table, which he doesn't use, thankfully. So out I went, setting out to take a look at how much free space there is left.
Much to my horror he had placed Gundam models on his desk. All that beautiful space to put my junk...he used dare he! This is not good, not good at all. I left his room and tried to formulate a plan. That's when I noticed it. My house is in quite a mess. I spent the next 30 minutes trying to find somewhere neat and tidy. Like when I first set up my room, or when I first set up my table downstairs where my desktop lives. At last I found it, one particular segment of a display shelf. Thank you Snoopy, you give me hope that my room and work space, can one day look like that, all neat and tidy...
So, I hope that we can all learn to thank the end of holidays, as it serves as a reminder for us, that we still need to clean our rooms, workspace, and house. But most of all, we should be thankful for the closing of the holidays, as it bears the sign that the next set of longer lasting holidays is coming.
Fellow readers, how do you react when you notice that your room is starting to look like a complete mess? How do you deal with it?
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